About 50% of all children will have at least one case of acute otitis media (middle ear infection) by the time they reach their second birthday, according to a JAMA Pediatrics article. And approximately 80% of all children will experience a case of otitis media during their lifetime!

While this is clearly a health risk, there are also developmental and emotional impacts. Ear infections can lead to delays and difficulties in hearing and speech. Instead of playing, exploring & sleeping, they’re in pain and irritable. These kiddos aren’t enjoying their best lives! 

This was true for the oldest child of one of our favorite families. She’s now 10-years-old and has been free from ear infections for years. However, when she came to us as a toddler, she’d had repeated infections and tube surgeries. 

The happy ending to the story is that her two younger siblings have been under chiropractic care since birth. They have NEVER had an issue with ear infections.baby's ear words with statistic on ear infections

How Do Chiropractic Adjustments Help Kids With Chronic Ear Infections?

Chiropractic adjustments are a completely natural way to support children’s innate healing capabilities. When it comes to ear infections, there are three main ways an adjustment can benefit you or your child.

1) Biomechanics

2) Optimizing the tensor veli palatini muscle 

3) Improving nerve function 

First, a little anatomy. The Eustachian tube helps to drain the middle ear into the throat. A baby‘s tube is more horizontal than an adult’s. Because there’s less gravitational pull draining fluid, young children are more susceptible to fluid building up in their ears. 

The fluid doesn’t automatically mean they’ll get an infection. However, because it is a warm, dark place, this buildup of fluid creates ideal conditions for bacteria to grow.

A chiropractic adjustment biomechanically improves the ear’s drainage. We may also show parents how to do exercises to improve lymphatic drainage. 

Second, there’s a close relationship between the C1 vertebrae and the tensor veli palatini muscle, which constricts and dilates to open and close the end of the Eustachian tube. 

When the C1, called the atlas, is misaligned, it can affect the function of the tensor veli palatini. This again, affects the drainage from the middle ear, meaning the person is more susceptible to infection. As chiropractors, we check to see that the atlas is aligned as it protects the vital junction between the brainstem and spinal cord. This improves the function of this whole important area.

Third, the chiropractic adjustment ensures there is full nerve function going out to all systems. If there is pressure and inflammation from misaligned bones, the body is more susceptible to infection from bacteria and viruses. 

We want to make sure that the body’s communication is at 100%, giving the immune system the ability to fight the best it can. The nervous system is a key component of the immune response, so we want to make sure it free from any interference.   

Many families have experienced the relief that comes as their children are able to function well again! 

Researchers are finding the same results. An article in the 1996 Journal of Manipulative Therapies studied 46 children who had had ear infections, finding that “93% of all episodes improved” while under chiropractic care.

Since an adjustment doesn’t add or take away anything from the body, even little babies can be checked to prevent ear issues before they begin. Our specialized training in pediatric chiropractic (and enormous love for babies and children!) make Upstate Specific CHiropractic a wonderful place to bring your whole family.  

Dr. Megan Afshar Martins and her associates at Upstate Specific Chiropractic serve the Greenville, SC area, specializing in pregnancy and pediatric care. To find out how chiropractic can help your family, CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE consultation. 


  • https://jccponline.com/Recurrent-Otitis.html 
  • J Manipulative Physiol Ther. . Mar-Apr 1996;19(3):169-77. Ear infection: a retrospective study examining improvement from chiropractic care and analyzing for influencing factors   https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8728460/