You know what the difference between you and a corpse is? Energy. When your body ceases to conduct energy, systems fail, tissues die, organs stop. That’s just a fact of life and exactly the reason you should be concerned whether or not you have subluxations of the spine.

What is a subluxation you ask? In my best authoritative voice, “A subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves. Spinal nerves are the nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your spine. This pressure or irritation on the nerves then causes those nerves to malfunction and interfere with the signals traveling over those nerves.”

So how does a subluxation affect you?  Instead of me telling you, think about it for a moment. If the nerves to your heart, for example, were being choked off, how would your heart function? Would it pump in rhythm? Would it displace enough blood? Would it be sick or well? Wouldn’t you like to know if this was happening inside your body?

Of course you would and if I haven’t made it perfectly clear, the one and only thing I do as a chiropractor is locate and correct vertebral subluxations. That’s it. I don’t chase symptoms, treat pain, or cure anything.


If it helps any, compare your spine to a fuse box inside your house. A fuse box has one master

control switch and rows of secondary switches, each allowing electricity to flow to specific locations. Likewise, at every level of the spine, there are nerves that branch off from the spinal cord and control a specific part of the body. So it stands to reason, that if a hard bone was putting pressure on a soft nerve, function to that part of the body would be reduced. Yes? It would be like holding the switch halfway on and the lights would flicker. And the master control switch I mentioned? That would be your atlas, the top bone in your neck.

Every single nerve that leaves your brain, passes through the atlas. It’s the only conceivable part of your body where you could potentially interrupt your entire nervous system. An interrupted nervous system can transform even the most happy-go-lucky among us into discouraged, fatigued shells of the fresh, energetic humans we once were, and certainly deserve to be again. Remember Superman, Christopher Reeve? When he fell off his horse and landed on his head, he broke his atlas which left him not only a quadriplegic, but also on some sort of life support for the rest of his life.

So you’re subluxated, now what? Are you going to have to get adjusted the rest of your life? Well, are you able to completely avoid stress, the barrage of toxins in our environment, and never hit your head again? If you answered, yes, congratulations! For the rest of us, a schedule of incremental maintenance visits will be required. Getting adjusted follows the same guidelines as brushing your teeth or changing the oil in you car, it’s done on a regular basis to prevent problems down the road. Because here’s the bottom line, if you’re not 100% subluxation free, then you’re walking around 10, 20, 30% dead (less alive than you would be otherwise).

Hopefully, I’ve clarified what a subluxation is, but if not, leave a comment below. If you haven’t read my article Chiropractic is Health Insurance, definitely do so. I list 3 great reasons why chiropractic is your best bet to maintaining your health.
