How do you know if you need an adjustment? 

As chiropractors, we frequently talk about helping you to function better. Here are some signs that your body isn’t working at its highest level, meaning you should have your nervous system checked for interference by a chiropractor. 


What Signs Should I Look For:

  1. Unexplained Issue
  2. Failure to Thrive
  3. Trauma
  4. Posture Imbalances
  5. Coordination Problems
  6. Digestive Issues
  7. Fatigue
  8. Sleep Issues
  9.  Pain
  10.  X-Ray

Unexplained Issues and Failure to Thrive – When no one can figure out what’s going on with your health, there may be a neurological component. Our nervous system controls every other system and bodily function. The spinal cord is the major information highway for nerve signals throughout the body and should be checked for interference from misaligned vertebrae. An adjustment removes those interferences.

Trauma – Many people think of car wrecks and falls as the kind of trauma that sends them to chiropractor. And while we agree, you should be evaluated after those major events, remember that we all experience micro-traumas too. This can be from any repetitive movements, from prolonged misuse or inactivity. 

Posture Imbalances and Coordination Problems – Have you looked in the mirror and seen one shoulder is higher than the other? Maybe you have noticed how humped your teenager’s back and neck are as they carry their heads forward, staring down at devices. These are definitely signs that we need to check the body’s skeletal structure. You may also brush off clumsiness or bad handwriting in a child; however, these are neurological symptoms of dysfunction.

Digestive Issues – Irritable Bowel Syndrome or constipation, digestion or absorption problems; these are signs that your body isn’t functioning well to get nutrients and eliminate waste. This is so key for a healthy body and immune system. Removing the pressure of misaligned vertebrae helps the nerve signals to be clearly communicated to the bowel. The increased flexibility of the spine also helps with movement and elimination.

Fatigue and Sleep Issues – Do you wake up refreshed or do you toss and turn all night? When your body is in alignment, it helps your body stay in a parasympathetic state, where you can “rest and digest.” A stressed body is in a sympathetic response, also known as “fight or flight.” Get adjusted – get some good rest.

Pain and X-Ray – Yes, pain is a symptom that something is going on inside of us. Pain alerts us to inflammation and dis-ease. However, the majority of our nerves deal with autonomic and motor functions. So your nerve function can be decreased without you feeling pain! 

This is why we use a state-of-the-art Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT) scan to take a detailed look at your vertebrae. This tells us specifically where your bones are misaligned and it definitely tells us if you need to be adjusted. 


How Does A Chiropractic Adjustment Work

As doctors of chiropractic, we don’t treat conditions or disease.  We check your spine for misalignments, and adjust as needed.

A chiropractic adjustment moves the bones to restore the nervous system pathway from the brain. 

These are the same nerves that control your circulatory system, digestion, respiration, hormones and immune systems.  Once these pathways are clear, the body can function optimally and you start to heal naturally.

To find out how chiropractic can help your family, CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE consultation. 

What Our Patients Say 

“Neck and back hurt while sitting, standing and laying down. Movement was very restricted, headaches were near constant and would wake up with neck pain that made it hard to move at all.  

(After chiropractic care,) very minimal back and neck pain. Headaches are gone. I’m able to move more and get better sleep. I’m able to sit and stand with no pain so work is much easier. Period cramps are much more manageable and don’t last as long.

I’m sleeping better so I’m more rested and am able to do more at work and at home. And I’m not in pain while doing more. Before I couldn’t even sit down without pain, now I can sit, walk, stand, move around without pain. My quality of life is so much better because I am no longer restricted.

Catherine C.