Is chiropractic the missing link in preparing for natural birth?

A mother who does everything right in planning her birth experience (exercising, eating well, educating herself on the labor process, learning to relax) may still face an unexpected cesarean.

Afterwards, despite the joy of having a healthy baby, she’s confused as to why labor didn’t go as planned.

Whole-body healthcare tells us that a balanced spine and pelvis is an essential, but overlooked, part of the birth process.  A baby instinctively knows how to position themselves for birth, just as they know how to latch onto a breast. Babies that don’t turn aren’t lacking that instinct.  Instead, the mother’s spine and pelvic alignment may not give the baby enough room to drop into position.

During pregnancy, a woman’s alignment is especially vulnerable.  Her growing baby puts added pressure and weight on her skeleton and pelvic floor, while the hormone relaxin softens tissues and make it easy for pelvic bones to shift and become subluxated.

The Webster technique for natural childbirth

In the late seventies, Larry Webster, DC, discovered a connection between subluxations in the sacral and pelvic bones and abnormal fetal positioning.  He developed what is now known as the Wesbter Technique to restore movement and alignment in the sacrum.  He discovered that after an adjustment, babies would regularly turn into correct birthing position on their own.

Chiropractic adjustments create a structurally sound pelvis and sacrum in a time when these areas are the most vulnerable. Once the tension is removed, babies are free to follow their instincts and assume the best position for birth.  There are no external forces on the baby directly and the procedure is comfortable and safe.

Chiropractic for overall wellness during pregnancy

Some moms will wait until they know their baby is not in optimal birthing position before seeking the help of a chiropractor.  A woman who adds a chiropractor to her birth team at the beginning of her pregnancy will see the best results.

Regular adjustments during pregnancy prevent back pain and increase energy levels.  When a woman feels better, she will have a happier and more joyful pregnancy.  A Webster certified chiropractor can ensure a more comfortable pregnancy and a safer and easier birth with less medical intervention.

Testimonies from our expecting moms:

Chiropractic care while pregnant made a world of difference! Regular visits during pregnancy relieved my lower back pain. I’ve been pregnant five times, but my fifth pregnancy was the only one under the care of a chiropractor. I could definitely tell a difference and believe it helped shorten the length of my labor and delivery. – Courtney A., Greenville, SC

This was my first pregnancy and after a few hours of mild laboring, my active labor was only four hours with no medical intervention. We had a home birth which was a very calm environment. I felt like I was able to communicate with my baby and was able to guide him as he made his way into this world! – Alexa, Greenville, SC


Dr. Megan Afshar is a Webster certified chiropractor who helps women in the Greenville, South Carolina area. Contact us here for a free consultation.